
Scientific Plan for 2024

Thematic, project and research areas for 2024

After the CTS 2024, the CoRiTeL Scientific Committee has identified the following thematic areas for the research activities of the Consortium in the next year:

  • LLM & RAG for the interaction between Systems and for management of the Knowledge Base (KB)

    Research and prototyping on a component with a high degree of integration of the LLM and RAG functions, which allows to manage a Knowledge Base (KB), not only specialized in one task.

  • Optimization of network resources in context were has to be guaranteed high level security, privacy, to the management of sensitive data

    Research and definition of AI/ML algorithms for the optimization of network resources using historical and real-time data, in context were has to be guaranteed high level security, privacy, to the management of sensitive data.

  • Profiling algorithms for data streams to support operation of data clean

    Definition and development of profiling algorithms for data streams to support operation of data clean, which can be used to enanche the quality of the data and to support the decision making process.

For each of the thematic areas, the activity that will be carried out are:

  • Framing of the state of the art;
  • Study of the specific needs of the industrial partners in the technologies and applications of interest;
  • Definition of test-beds to make demonstrable the results of the research;
  • Submission and partecipation to financed proposals in the research areas of interest;